Mandates Regarding the Use of Protective Lighting

Occupational Safety and Health Administration – (OSHA)
“All lamps for general illumination shall be protected from accidental contact or breakage by a suitable fixture or lampholder with a guard.”Standard Number 1910.305 (a) (2) (ix)

FDA Plant Construction and Design
“… provide safety-type light bulbs, fixtures, skylights, or other glass suspended over exposed food in any step of preparation or otherwise protect against food contamination in case of glass breakage.”110.20 Section B, Part 5

FDA Food Code – (Food & Drug Administration)
“…light bulbs shall be shielded, coated, or otherwise shatter-resistant in areas where there is exposed food; clean equipment, utensils, and linens; or unwrapped single-service and single-use articles.”Chapter 6, Section 202.11 Light Bulbs, Protective Shielding

American Society of Mechanical Engineers – (ASME)
“Light bulbs and tubes within the elevator car shall be externally guarded or coated to contain broken glass in case the bulb or tube accidentally breaks.”204.7d Protection of Light Bulbs and Tubes

Canadian Food Inspection Agency – (CFIA)
“Light bulbs and fixtures located in areas where there is exposed food are of a safety type… to prevent contamination of food in case of breakage.” Design & Construction, Accepted Construction Materials, Chap. 4

Mexican Dept. of Agriculture and Rural Devlopment
“The processing area lamps must be covered with a protective device of unbreakable material, to avoid product contamination in case of any breakage”Standard 008 –

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points – (HACCP)
HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

The Public Health Act (C.C.S.M. c. P210)
“Lights are shielded to protect food from broken glass in all food preparation areas; and lights are shielded to protect food from broken glass where lights are located over unprotected food or food processing, packaging, or service lines where any other hazard might exist”Food and Food Handling Establishments Regulation 16(d) and 16(e)